Tuesday, April 17, 2012

and Tindol makes five

I guess it is time to blog again.  I have been thinking about this blog for several weeks.  I love that so many of you ask me when I am going to blog again.  I kept thinking I wanted to blog about things in the order they happened in my life, but I have been having the feeling lately, that this isn't what God had in mind, so today is the day I blog about our most recent miracle.  2 years ago, John had a vasectomy.  You know that routine procedure that most men have as a form of birth control, so that we women can finally quit wasting money each month on birth control pills.  Before the questions start, yes he went back and got a zero sperm count.  That is part of what makes this story so awesome. 

You can imagine my surprise, when the last week in April of 2011, I bought a pregnancy test to "make myself feel better" and it came back positive.  I almost stroked and a stroke for John would have been mild.  Of course his first question was, "Who is the daddy?"  Funny this is a question that many people asked, but those who know me best know that really this isn't an issue at all.  I went to the doctor the next day to have a pregnancy test done there - like it was going to change....haha!  The nurses there weren't quite sure how to handle me when they confirmed I was pregnant and I lost it.  They didn't even give me prenatal vitamins or anything as they were just trying to get me out of the office.  To top that visit off - my due date was December 26th - seriously......

I talked to John through my sobs and tried to call my mom.  Of course I couldn't get a hold of her, so I called my dad.  I really just called him to see where my mom was and when he asked if something was wrong - I lost it (for like the 20th time that day).  I expected some consoling.  What I got was "THAT IS WONDERFUL!!!!"  So I cried harder....  I finally got a hold of my mom who was as surprised as I was, but told me - this baby is a gift from God.  So began 9 months of Godly winks.......to be continued.