Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Here comes Tindol....

As Tindol's first birthday quickly approaches, I think back to this time last year when we were anxiously awaiting her arrival.  I think about John and I having to go and do a baby registry because while she is our 3rd child, we cleaned out all of our "baby stuff" when we decided we weren't going to have anymore children.  That meant picking out carseats, strollers, buying bottles and diapers (lot of diapers).  Tatum and Tyler began to get excited as well and Tyler's tune began to change about being a big sister.  She realized in this time that she had the privilege of being a big sister and a little sister and she embraced this new position.  Thankfully, during this time I was so busy carpooling the girls, coaching the cheerleaders, and teaching that I really didn't gain much weight.  I truly believe it is because God knew I was much older than the last time and I didn't need any extra challenges.

We made it through November and the beginning of December where we set an inducement date of December 21.  Strategically planned, so that we could be home for Christmas!  I was able to finish out school and actually had a few days to get last minute things done. We finished up our Christmas shopping.  We spent our last few days as a family of four and I must say my emotions ran very high during this time.  I don't do change very well, so the thought of our family dynamics being thrown off really scared me.  Plus, I felt the feeling that I had before Tyler was born came back - the one that makes me fearful that I don't have enough love for another child.

Then the day finally arrived - the delivery of Tindol was by far my easiest.  My heart was so full as I held her, but it almost burst as I watched Tatum and Tyler come in and see their baby sister for the first time.  Their excitement was overflowing and their protective nature and love were out in full force.  I do believe it was love at first site for all of us and we all were amazed because Tindol didn't cry.  She was so "laid back".  As we took our first family photo of 5, I remember thinking there just wasn't anything better than this and our family really felt complete.  The Lord blessed us when we least expected it and has continued to teach us his lessons through our 3 girls.  In a year's time, Tindol has changed our lives for the better.  I can't imagine where we would be without her.