Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Old Mom

Has it really been 7 months since my last post....

I have so many things that I want to post about, but I am not ready to delve into the details that go with those know that saying - everything in God's time.

So today I am going to expand on My Life as an OLD mother of a Toddler.....yes this could get very comical.

I ask myself (and others) at times "Why do you think God gave me the child who wants me the most when I was old?"  My dad just laughed at me last week and replied - because now you have the time to give her.   Go God!

See I have 3 girls that I truly believe love me very much, BUT Tatum and Tyler as babies and toddlers always wanted their daddy.  If there was a choice between John and me, John was always the winner - well really he still is.  At the beginning it hurt my feelings, but eventually I decided there couldn't be much better than little girls who adore their daddys.  Enter Tindol into this equation - she LOVES me - ADORES me and can't get enough of me - and now I am old (ok - maybe not that old, but I feel old) and I can't keep up with her constant "wanting me", but I sure am trying!!!!

God knows what you need and when you need it, so he gave me Tindol who:

loves for me to hold her
will let me rock and rock and rock her
will let me sing to her
will watch the Wiggles with me
will hold on to my legs and stick her head through when she is unsure about what is going on
loves helicopters
loves the moon and can find it on most days even when the sun is still shining
can turn her music off and on all by herself and can even turn it up when she wants it louder
holds her hands over her eyes when we say the blessing and shouts a big AMEN when we are done
loves to dance
calls for me in the car just to make sure I am still with her
will always give me a kiss - even when she tells everyone else no
will give me nose kisses (eskimo kisses) while holding my face with her hands
can already do forward rolls
loves to climb
hates the ocean and sand up close, but loves them from afar
could sit for hours in the sink for a bath and just let the water run
calls Trops (the dog) "buddy" just like I do
loves to ride in the wagon
loves her sisters
and who will climb up in my lap and fix my hair just like she wants it and she does it with the softest touch ever

I mean who could want anything more - might I include that she has the vocabulary of a 3 year old.  We can actually have conversations!

She is easy to enjoy because I do have the time to "hang out" with her and she is the 3rd child, so the things that I would have obsessed over with the other 2 I just let them go.  I just embrace her and run until I am literally ragged, but I know without a doubt that this is what God's plan was all along.  She just might keep me young.

I look back at our 19 months with this angel and I can't imagine how empty our lives really were without her.  Actually I can't imagine our lives without any of our 3 girls - they are all blessings in so many different ways.  Having Tindol has forced me to slow down some and focus on the things that really matter and to let the things that annoy me go to the wayside.  I mean isn't that what God does with us.......

1 comment:

  1. Isn't God good? Whenever you have doubts about what is going on around you, just find Tindol and breathe in God's goodness.
