Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 - the year of God's Will

As a new year begins, I find myself thinking about what God has done in 2014 and what he has in store for me in 2015. I am amazed daily at the ways that God continues to move in my life.  I stand in awe of how he lines things up to fall just at the right time so that there is no denying his plan for me.  Over the past 3 years, there has been a strong movement of the Holy Spirit in my life.  The desire to do God's will has never been stronger.  In the past, I claimed to recognize God's will over my life, but it was more like God's will on my timing which really means that it wasn't even close to being God's will.  

You know when you have that "feeling" that you know what you are supposed to be doing?  You feel like you were destined to do something.  It is a gift from God and you know just how to use it.  What happens when God begins to lay out a different plan?  Well I resisted and said ok I hear you and as soon as I am done with this I will listen more.....ummm not really what God has planned.  In 2014, God laid many things on my heart - one of them being an earnest desire to listen and obey.  God has spoken to me through many lessons where I listened and kind of obeyed or planned to obey.....later. Overall - I think I failed, but fortunately - I get to try again. I believe I am getting better - I mean at least I recognize what I am supposed to be doing right? 

2014 was also a year where I felt God charging me to take care of others, minister to others, REALLY pray for others - not just once but regularly and let them know I am praying for them.  This meant going back to writing notes (you know on cute little stationary) to others - letting them know they were on my mind.  Don't get me wrong, I love a good encouraging text message too, but there is something about a handwritten note whether you are the writer or the recipient.  This has proven time and time again to be a blessing to me and has strengthened my prayer life more than I thought!  

So here I sit on January 1, 2015 with an open mind and an open heart - just waiting anxiously for God's lessons, God's love and God's will for my life.  How blessed I am already - I only pray I can be a blessing to others.  

1 comment:

  1. This is a great reminder for us all to take the time to listen to what God has to say for us.
