Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lives changed in a day

Eight years...... wow.....I was 30 years old.  That sounds so young now.  As I reflect on that day and the few years that followed I always say the same thing - it was so hard.  So often I have questioned God on the happenings of that day.  Hindsight is always 20/20, but for God the now is 20/20 and even when I can't understand and don't understand he is preparing me for what is to come....

It has always been important for me that my children know the sacrifices of that day.  We have been to the memorial on Watts many times and have prayed over the families represented there.  We have also visited the graveside of both AJ & Ryan.  Their families are not strangers to us and as a result I have learned first hand how important it is to remember.....this in itself has prepared me for a friendship that unknown to me was in the making years ago.

3 years ago, God allowed my path to cross the path of a co-worker.  What began as a working situation that most times was "hard" blossomed into a friendship that was obviously handcrafted by our Maker.  This friend had experienced a heartbreak that I had very vividly watched the Jacksons and Mohlers walk through - the loss of a son.  Oh how God had been preparing me for Valerie.  Now that those pieces of the puzzle have fallen into place, I stand in awe of God's perfect weaving of experiences from the last 8 years to where I am now.  What great lessons we learned from March 1, 2007 at such a high price.

As I tie up this post that really is a little all over the place, I come back to Tindol...... obviously she was not even a thought in our minds 8 years ago.  What a sense of humor God has in regards to her, but what a love she has for two very special boys that she has never met.  As a result, I was assured just recently that AJ and Ryan most definitely are watching over her.

So on March 1, 2015, I remember our Enterprise 8 and their chaperone Mrs. Edna and I thank God for how far he has brought us all and for friendships and relationships he was and is preparing us for.....

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