Saturday, February 11, 2012

5 years ago

I have always known that things happen for a reason, but the events 5 years ago, hammered that message home for me. On February 27, 2007, I was named the cheerleading coach at Enterprise High School. I was beyond excited about working with such an awesome group. Two days later, my charge changed as a deadly tornado tore through Enterprise High School on March 1, 2007. I never dreamed that I would lose 8 students in my whole teaching career, much less in one afternoon. Then to realize that 2 of those 8 were my cheerleaders, made me realize that not only had this tornado torn through our town, but it tore straight through my heart. I prayed and prayed and prayed. I cried out to God as many people did in those next few days, weeks and months and asked why? I soon realized that I probably would not ever get that question answered. In the months that followed, I worked to make a team out of 24 heartbroken teenagers. Sometimes we practiced and sometimes we cried through practice. This was unchartered territory and very sensitive as I worked to find a balance of mourning AJ Jackson and Ryan Mohler and pushing them through their pain. I was lucky enough to be able to see AJ and Ryan about an hour before the tornado hit. I got to hug them and tell them I loved them. Of course, it wasn't a serious moment when all of this happened, but the words were said none the less. I didn't realize how important those words would end up being.  As a team, we had highs and lows and many days when I didn't think I could push anymore, the kids pushed me.  I learned to pray for individuals instead of praying for a collective group.  I called specific names out to the Lord - something I had not done a whole lot of.  Don't get me wrong I prayed, but I might pray for the "cheerleaders".  I do belive that God heard those prayers, but I began to get more out of my prayer life when I called those cheerleaders by name.  I mean I was supposed to be able to help these kids and fix them right???  I have a counseling degree, so what more could I need except that my heart was just as broken.  I remember coming home from Nashville, where we had won every title that we could win in a National competition and I said to John, I think I am done.  This has been a hard year and I don't think I can do it again.  John simply looked at me and said - you can't quit.  You still have a group of kids that only you understand and you have to finish this for them.  So I did - I pushed through for Callie, Caitlin, Caitlyn, Cat, Georgia, Hannah, Jacey, Sadie, Shae, Mackenzie, Katie, Kathleen, Lindsey (x2), Katherine, Danielle, Whitney, Kristen, Amanda, Brooke, and Lukas.  I pushed through in honor of Lindsey, Chloe and Ethan and in memory of AJ and Ryan.  I could not imagine a better group to have to heal with.  They are part of the first chapter in a long book of God revealing himself to me in times of trouble.  As we approach the 5 year mark, I am reminded that God does work in mysterious ways and I can't believe it has been 5 years when it seems like just yesterday......

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