Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How did I get here?

So many people over the past 14 years have asked the question, "how did you get here?" Most people assume that John and I dated in college and that I moved here because of him.....WRONG! John and I didn't even go to college in the same state. I moved here in the fall of 1998 to teach at Enterprise Junior High School. I didn't know anyone.... I had attended a career fair in Troy in February of 1997 where I met Rick Rainer. I went by the Enterprise City Schools booth simply to appease my dad. I had no interest in Enterprise, Alabama because Enterprise High School had ended my high schools run for a 3-peat of football state championships my senior year. That meant that I only had 2 state championship rings from high school instead of 3. To say I was bitter was an understatement. I also didn't remember the people being friendly in Enterprise. With that being said, I introduced myself to Rick and gave him my resume along with the magic words - I would LOVE to work with cheerleaders. If I had only known then, that not only was I talking to my future principal, but I was also talking to someone who would become one of my best friends. That God sure does have a sense of humor because I left there proud of myself because I could tell my dad that I had talked to Enterprise and secretly pray that they would never call.... A week later they called!!! Hinton Johns called to set up an interview. While I cringed inside, I told myself I needed to interview to get practice. So I came and I loved Mr. Johns. I also interviewed that spring at the high school. I had a job offer in Montgomery at a private school on the table when Mr. Johns called to offer me a job at EJHS. I struggled with this decision. I cried and prayed for a few days and then I made the surprising announcement to my parents that I was taking the job in Enterprise. I had a peace about it even though I was scared to death. I do not like change and the anticipation of change sometimes can be my doom. And so in August of 1998, I moved to Enterprise. I fell in love with the faculty at EJHS. They took me under their wing and made me feel at home. Phyllis Wilson even decided to play matchmaker in January of 1999. I finally gave in and so did John to Phyllis's requests to set us up, so on January 15, 1999, John and I had our first date - a blind date. I am forever grateful that Phyllis didn't give up on us because we married a year later on January 15, 2000. Yep I would say God was in that.... The city of Enterprise and it's people have taught me so much. Between EJHS and EHS, my path has crossed with some extraordinary educators and some awesome kids. Through a tornado, God taught me to love a little stronger and tell people what they mean to you. I have learned to push through when there is no energy to push and I have learned that sometimes in the middle of a great life, God gives you a surprise that makes it even better. So here I am 14 years later, more in love with Enterprise than I ever thought I could be. I can't wait to see what the next 14 years here bring....


  1. Cannot imagine not having John in our lives! Thank you, God, for your matchmaking!

  2. I am so glad you decided to take the job here and God brought you through the plans He had for you. Heather you are a wonderful addition to Enterprise! CaroineQ

  3. Is Phyllis Josh's mom? If so, she was a DEAR friend to my grandparents. My grandmother taught at Hillcrest forever!
